Thursday, September 27, 2012

Reading Recommendation

The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins Recommendation By Will Jacobson


“How long I scramble along dodging fireballs I can't say...”
This is the thoughts of Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games. In the future lies where once North America was and in the future holds Panem. Panem contains 12 districts. Then there's the big city or the Capital. The capital keeps the districts in line by forcing them to sacrifice 1 boy and 1 girl to fight to the death on T.V.

If you don't know already Katniss enters the Hunger Games in place for her sister so she wouldn't die. Her fellow tribute is Peeta Melark. He forms a romance for Katniss and she is forced into 'faking' it for the crowd leading up to the games.  But is she faking it will Peeta's love for her affect the games? Read the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and find out...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Reading Reflection - Choosing Books

My reflection this week is about my ability to choose books. Since its the beginning of the school year I needed to find a book.  I chose The First of the Lord of the Rings Series.  It was too hard for me. So then I had to search for a new book. For me I like to stay in the futuristic genre and the more fantasy books. I have to learn to expand my reading choices. It is really hard to find a good book for me.  This year I am going to try my hardest to read more of different genres.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


In the first few pages of reading, The Fellowship of the Ring, by J.R.R Tolkien there was a lot if crazy vocab thrown at me.  This book is in a whole different land. This made me activate my schema on all I know about middle earth.  When the book said on page 43 "Rumor of the coming event traveled all over the shire." Without knowing my schema activated, thinking about how rumors "spread" through places. The shire must be the town or like the center of the town.  This helped me understand that the Lord of the Rings has its own sort of "language". i should do some research about middle earth.