Sunday, October 21, 2012

Weekly Reflection

Topic; Inferences
I recently had a conference with Ms. Capelli about inferences. I need to build on them. Something I could get stronger in is not making a prediction. The problem im facing is The past tense and pretense of when things are happening. I tend to predict what is going to happen in the the future instead of what happened or is currently happening in the text. I think something I'm good at is inferencing is going beneath the text but another problem I have is figuring out how to get there. Or being metacognitive.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Weekly Super Smart Note

Mark Zukerberg Non- Fiction

Mark Zukerberg came from right here in Ardsley High School. At the age of 12 he was already programming. He created a small network inside his house called ZuckNet. It was a system so his family could message each other from different computers.  As he got older he improved on this. and thus TheFacebook was born. No I did not make a mistake Mark called it thefacebook  all one word. It evolved from 2006 and just became facebook. Some college friends claimed that they had the idea first for facebook. They recently hired him for some programming in college. Then after Zuck dropped out the sued facebook for 60 million dollars. This lawsuit was portrayed in the movie The Social Network. Mark never has stated that is was there idea.. Nobody knows what happened.  But since Facebook makes about 3 billion dollars a year and, 1 of every 7 people (recent milestone) have a facebook account it is clear that Mark has and may very well change the future.