Sunday, January 27, 2013

Writing Reflection

My writing, from the beginning of the year, has defiantly improved. Since the start of my 7th grade writing career, Ms. Capelli has made it very easy to grow into a better writer. When faced with problems, our class could always conference with her, and then in the future Ms. Capelli always looked for it in our writing to see if we improved. This "system" allowed, at least for me, and if not the whole class to help improve my writing. As the year goes into its 2nd half, I hope to become an even better writer than what I have grown to now.  

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Even though this last month was very short for school days due to the holiday break, there are still some things to reflect about. In late November, I started a new book, the graveyard book. I have never read scary books before but I thought how bad can it be? Its just writing on a page. This new thinking now opens up lots of more books for me to read as I finish books. Picking books will now be much different because I will no longer be running away from the scary novels. I think that this is going to maybe make my reading life much better because I love to explore the new hypothetical worlds these authors create.