Sunday, January 6, 2013


Even though this last month was very short for school days due to the holiday break, there are still some things to reflect about. In late November, I started a new book, the graveyard book. I have never read scary books before but I thought how bad can it be? Its just writing on a page. This new thinking now opens up lots of more books for me to read as I finish books. Picking books will now be much different because I will no longer be running away from the scary novels. I think that this is going to maybe make my reading life much better because I love to explore the new hypothetical worlds these authors create.


  1. Great job Will! Reading scary books gives you entrance into the world of mythical creatures such as werewolves and vampires (just promise me that you won't read Twilight). These days, there are seemingly more books about vampires than history. Trying new things is almost always better for you. However, keep an eye out for the really fake and cheesy ones. Keep up the good work!
    If you can, please change your font. I have to strain in order to read it.

  2. Geoff is right (please stop making me say this by beating me to all of the posts I commented on, Geoff). Opening up to a new thing is always good. I think that it cangive you more opportunities to get another book to read, and not having to re-read the same books over, and over, and over again. I think that if you liked the Graveyard Book, you're going to like one of my favorite vampire/ frankenstien books: Department 19 and its sequel The Rise of Department 19. They will bring a lot more of one of the things that you mentioned in your post: new thinking. Another recommendation I have for you that is similar to the Graveyard Book, and Department 19 and its sequel is The City of Bones series. It's an amazing five book series (I have books two, three, and four- City of Ashes, City of Glass, and City of Fallen Angels). You might think that these books are for girls, but I'd actually recommend them to everyone who likes that kind of thing, but Department 19 I'd recommend to boys mostly. Overall, you did great, and please listen to Geoff and change your font. It's really hard to read sometimes, so please change it.

  3. I think you did a good job in describing how the book you are reading is scary, but it is leading you in other genres. This is good because you now have point of views from all different kinds of books and you also mentioned how picking out books is easy for you too, thats nice. Although you did a good job describing your book, I think you may want to say how it is scary besides the title, otherwise great work.
