Sunday, December 16, 2012

Super SmartNote

Passage: "Once they had a working technical prototype, the next stage was to work out the UI. 'We usually start with brainstorming and paper prototyping,' they write, 'Only after that do we start using Photoshop.'"

This article titled How Pixle Created Its Clever Cut-and-Fold Papercraft App ‘Foldify’ by Tim Maly from Wired Magazine really caught my attention because I was interested on how apps are developed. This particular passage was very interesting to me. The process of how this team even started was very cool. They would first sit down and brainstorm for a long time before even opening a computer. This app is used on the iPad to create print-outs that you fold to create a 3 dimensional paper fold. In this passage the developers are talking about the UI (or user interface.) This is what the app is going to look like. For example the buttons. They had to decide what the "theme" of the app was going to be before they started designing it.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on this non-fiction super smart note! I can really connect to this because I am also very interested in coding and app development. You really analyzed this passage well. It is clear, concise, and explains your connection o the passage. The only criticism is that remember to keep in the same tense of writing. However, job well done.
