Sunday, December 2, 2012


  I an currently reading The Graveyard Book. I am not very far into the book but very quickly any reader can pick up on Neil Gailmans's writing style. This story has a lot of setting changes. When introducing a new setting Neil literally puts the reading in the scene by using the word "you". "You could see the abandoned funeral chapel, iron doors padlocked, ivy on the sides of the spire, a small tree growing out of the guttering at roof level." (12.)  Gailman goes on paragraph by paragraph starting with you and then describing the scene. I took a smartnote here because I had never seen this style of writing before. This, for me, was a great way to visualize the setting and also reveled a new perspective on introducing a setting in a text. 

1 comment:

  1. I think that it is good that you picked up on the author's different writing style. I think that you should weave in your quote because some people may not nkow what you were talking about when you just throw in a random quote in the smart note. Overall, i think you did a nice job.
