Sunday, May 5, 2013


My reflection this month is about my sustained writing and how it compares to me say writing with the same opportunities last year. I believe that I have grown immensely in my writing and to say the least thats still not really that good. If I were presented with the same assignment, though last year, the piece that I would have wrote would not have even gotten near published. I think the book I am writing now stemmed off from a great idea of a few writers and now I have the creative freedom of writing it myself. I can't wait for it to be published and, if much advancement is made in my writing, my next reflection.


  1. Nice reflection. But it was a little confusing for me to read. Don't forget to reread before you post. Also I think you could have added what you can do to improve your writing even more and what you can do to become a stronger writer. But otherwise good job!

  2. I agree with Nicole, this reflection was hard to read. I think it needs some more development, and some proofreading, and with that you'll get a great reflection. The highlight of this post was that you have new confidence in your writing and I think that I can see that. Overall, you did a good job.

  3. great post will. It really shows how much confidence you have in your writing and that is very good. I can connect to your post because i feel the same way about how my writing skills improved a lot. you can specify a bit more about how your writing skills grew such as; word choice titles comma splice etc. other than that great post and keep it up.
