Monday, November 26, 2012


My goal for quarter 1 was to take more smart notes and be more aware of my thinking while reading. I semi accomplished my goal. I feel more aware of my thinking but I'm not taking as much smart notes. To fix this I am starting a book just for smart notes and one just to read. This will more or less force me to take more smart notes. When I do take smart notes they are mostly predictions. Or inferences that really are predictions. My goal from quarter one is going to stay up as a goal but in my head I have semi accomplished my first goal and I am using my smart notes to better understand my smart note book. I think these goals will defiantly better help me in my readings.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you decided to change your reading habits-Maybe I'll try it! It's a common mistake to mix up the predictions and inferences, everyone does it. To help you realize when this is happening, you can read on to A) see if your prediction was right or B) see if your inference pops up again in your book, wether it's about a character or a object. If none of these things workout correctly, it is probably the other type of thinking. Let me know if these strategies help. And also, you were a little repetitive. Watch out!
