Monday, November 12, 2012


On page 76 of the book Stormbreaker, By Anthony Horiwitz, Alex is meeting with his soon-to-be boss Mr. Blunt. "Blunt glanced at Mrs. Jones… She unwrapped another peppermint and nodded back". When I read this I made an inference. I inferred that before the meeting Blunt and Mrs. Jones had conferred about bringing Alex to the team. I also thought since Mr. Blunt nodded in the first place that maybe he was thinking 'this is our guy'. This is a sense of the author hinting to what is going to happen in the future. If the reader did not make an inference it wouldn't be as clear.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like your inference and discovery of foreshadowing used by Anthony Horowitz. There can be a lot of times when two adults can be conferring about someone or something, and they act like this too. I also like how you concluded that they were going to employ him in Mr. Blunt's company. Finally, I definitely agree with you that this would have been a lot more confusing if no inference had been made. Good job, Will!
