Tuesday, February 26, 2013


The aspect of my writing I am going to reflect on is the use of quotes and background information in Super-SmartNotes. I have not been doing these things as prominent as they should be. Either these are not present or do give enough information.  Quoting the text is definently an important aspect of a Super-SmartNote that I was just not including. I would slightly talk about the specific passage but if not completely necessary I would not quote the text. Something to work on for next month would be quoting the text and analizize the specific quote. Another problem of mine pointed out to me by comments was the lack of background information. I now understand that giving a short but largely contented sentence with some general information about the book will really set up my thinking and better make the readers experience more elucidated.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Non-Ficton Super SmartNote

This article is called "How a Charming Doodling App Arose From the Web’s Wildest West". Its about this new app that was just released on the app store for iOS iPad. Its called DrawQuest, and its a "drawing app." Every day there is a new "quest" with a template for you to use. But the main reason for me doing this SmartNote is the central purpose of this app. See you can use this template but you don't have to. So if being creative is not your forte you can use the template to get started. If you are creative, (or you think you are) you can just draw right over the template. The creator of this app was very smart in this and I think created a great product for anybody to get better at their own artistic talent.
Read the original article here!

Monday, February 4, 2013


In my book, the main character, Rafe is moving to a new school to be a artist. He is my age but in this Super SmartNote I wanted to focus more to "get to know" the character. He reminds me of a young Ponyboy Curtis. Minus the artistic ability, these characters both contradict themselves to make themselves feel better. But I don't think I know Rafe enough to say that about him. Most of the time, you know when Rafe is lying because of the illustrations in book or because of the voice the author gives him. I would say Rafe is a young Ponyboy especially because of his imaginary friend. Rafe has an imaginary friend and I think in his case its for approval of his lost brother. The imaginary friend is what he thinks his brother is. His brother passed when he was young. Maybe Rafe wants approval from his fake brother or he wants closure for someone he hasn't even met. I will be sure to visit this topic again.