Monday, February 4, 2013


In my book, the main character, Rafe is moving to a new school to be a artist. He is my age but in this Super SmartNote I wanted to focus more to "get to know" the character. He reminds me of a young Ponyboy Curtis. Minus the artistic ability, these characters both contradict themselves to make themselves feel better. But I don't think I know Rafe enough to say that about him. Most of the time, you know when Rafe is lying because of the illustrations in book or because of the voice the author gives him. I would say Rafe is a young Ponyboy especially because of his imaginary friend. Rafe has an imaginary friend and I think in his case its for approval of his lost brother. The imaginary friend is what he thinks his brother is. His brother passed when he was young. Maybe Rafe wants approval from his fake brother or he wants closure for someone he hasn't even met. I will be sure to visit this topic again.


  1. Will, nice SSN. I liked how you connected to Ponyboy. Start by giving us a little more context, so that we know what you are talking about (Also, the title and author would be nice!). Weave in a quote or two to support your claims about Rafe's personality.

  2. This is a great SSN. I love how you made the character in your book seem just like a character we all know, Ponyboy. You gave a lot of great details, and really got me hooked onto the book. That whole imaginary friend thing is very unique. Although there were some minor grammatical errors, I really thought you excelled in this smart note.
