Tuesday, February 26, 2013


The aspect of my writing I am going to reflect on is the use of quotes and background information in Super-SmartNotes. I have not been doing these things as prominent as they should be. Either these are not present or do give enough information.  Quoting the text is definently an important aspect of a Super-SmartNote that I was just not including. I would slightly talk about the specific passage but if not completely necessary I would not quote the text. Something to work on for next month would be quoting the text and analizize the specific quote. Another problem of mine pointed out to me by comments was the lack of background information. I now understand that giving a short but largely contented sentence with some general information about the book will really set up my thinking and better make the readers experience more elucidated.

1 comment:

  1. Good reflection Will! I see that you have given yourself numerous things to work on. However, you should include in your reflection how you are going to achieve those goals. Also, pace yourself. Don't overload yourself with too many things to work on and feel bad if you do not accomplish them. Nice goals, but now you have to work on them.
