Sunday, March 10, 2013


In my book, Craker! . The author depits the dog crackers life as well as Crakers soldeir, Rick. If you havent realized it already, Cracker is a war dog.  The  author has  the job of telling the dogs life and Ricks. It is  very interesting as a reader to see the thoughts of  the dog and its handeler. Especially when you have been doing reseach on war dogs. Even though the author does a good job of switching between both the dog and Rick. These changes are abrupt and you have to be a very active reader when reading this book.


  1. You explained with detail about how to read that book. But, I think you can do better if you let the readers know if the author switching between characters helps you, or confuses you. Anyway, good job!

  2. I agree with Hiroki. How can you go deeper into your book. This is basically a summary, like something we would read on the back. Write about the significance of the changes between characters. How does this affect the plot? Why does the author choose to reveal the narrative in this way? These are higher-level thinking questions that you need to be answering in SSNs!
